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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


My Mom's Birthday

My mom's birthday is today & we all got together on Sunday to celebrate her. She's been in Colorado for her last two birthdays & so it was extra fun to have a little party for her this year. The weather this weekend was full of sunshine & a cool spring breeze. Breathtaking! My mom, Magnolia & I did  some shopping on Saturday, picking up fresh flowers & stuff to make a cake for Sunday. Magnolia was in charge of the cake decorating, and her motto "you can never have too many sugar sprinkles!" Our celebration was very low key, we all went out for pizza for lunch first & then back to our place for cake & gifts. The kids got to run around outside & they were intoxicated with the fresh air. The birthday cake sugar high was surely adding to their excitement to be free & run wild under the sun.

It's true, your love for your own mother is changed after becoming a mother yourself. Magnolia has changed me in so many ways & especially so with my relationship with my own mom. I have brand new eyes, full of appreciation for all that she did to raise me (and my three siblings). Yesterday was also International Women's Day & a very appropriate day to celebrate our mom. She raised three girls & my brother, and now she is a grandma to (almost) five granddaughters & a grandson. We all got together to wish her the very happiest birthday.

Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them. 

I love this photo of our beautiful mom! She is glowing with happiness in this photo & I hope that whatever she wished for when she blew out those candles comes true. She deserves it!

It was the perfect afternoon to celebrate our mom. Happy Birthday Mom. We love you!!!
Wendy Correen Smith
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