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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


We Believe in Santa Claus

Or I should say we are working on our belief in Santa Claus! I don't think we could have watched Santa Paws II enough to make this little girl like the sight of him. My sister and I, took Magnolia and her cousin Addy, to Bass Pro one day last week to see their Santa. I was sure that if Magnolia saw Addy happily sitting on his lap that she would feel comfortable with him too, and I was very wrong. She took one long serious look at him and was crying the biggest tears. I know some people think it's cute, but it just breaks my heart so I snatched her up as fast as I could. Her daddy & I made a new plan for her visit with Santa this weekend. We'd stay in the photo with her!

She did much better being close to us, but she still kept a very close & skeptical eye on the white bearded man in the bright red suit! She started to get a little uncomfortable being near him & we wrapped up the photo session as fast as we could. We got two tearless photos with Santa, and so we are calling it a success. 

-photos by Jordan Photography

I have a feeling next year this jolly old man will be getting an earful about all her Christmas wishes. 

Merry Christmas to you & yours xo 
Wendy, Ryan, Magnolia and Santa

Shop Magnolia's Christmas outfit below. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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