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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


A Christmas Eve Tradition & My Grandma's Cinnamon Rolls

My family can all agree, the holidays just aren't the same without our grandparents. I know that's true for all families that have a piece of their heart in Heaven. I daydream about my grandma in the kitchen this time of year. On Thanksgiving, as we drove home from my sister's house, I told Ryan how much I miss my grandma's cinnamon rolls. The next morning I went on a hunt for a handwritten recipe she had given me that I just knew was in our house somewhere. To my delight, I found it! I decided in that very moment I was going to start a Christmas Eve tradition & make her cinnamon rolls each year.

I could hear her voice & her sweet English accent as I read each line of the handwritten recipe. I could also envision her shaking her head at me when she realized I was leaving her golden raisins out. The end of the recipe said "Good Luck" and those were the words that made me teary eyed missing her so very much.

This year Magnolia was crawling around by my feet, but next year she'll be on the stool helping me each step of the way. I love this photo because you can see her little hands next to my feet as I pulled them out from the oven. The house smelled just like my grandma's on Christmas Eve. And this is a new tradition that warms my heart. I do believe that when we are missing someone that we love so very much, and especially so on the holidays, that doing something in their honor is a special way to carry their love on forever. This is one of many ways I will share my grandparent's love with Magnolia. 

Grandma's Recipe

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Cinnamon Roll Dough
One box of Pillsbury Hot Roll Mix
One cup hot water
Two tablespoons softened butter
One egg
Two tablespoons sugar
Combine contents of box & yeast package in a bowl. Stir in the above ingredients & knead dough, sprinkling with extra flour to reduce stickiness. Cover bowl, place in sink with hot water to make it rise faster, and let it rise until it's double in size. 
Roll out on dough on flour surface into a large rectangle. 

Cinnamon Roll Filling (I made a few modifications here, specifically leaving out the raisins)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup melted butter
1/3 cup flour
1 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon
Mix the above with a fork and sprinkle on the dough. 

Roll up tightly, pressing edges to seal. 
Cut into 12 slices. 
Place on well greased pan or with parchment paper, cover & let stand to rise again. 
Bake on 375 for 15-20 minutes.

One cup of powdered sugar &  two tablespoons of milk 
I added the following to mix it up a little bit: Two tablespoons of butter, one tablespoon of vanilla creamer, and a splash of vanilla extract. 

p.s. I completely failed to cover & let rise again after placing on pan with parchment paper, but they still turned out great! 

I made two dozen cinnamon rolls, one batch for the Smith side of the family & the others to take to my sister's house. We may need to leave one out for Santa tonight! 

We woke up to a blanket of sparkling snow this morning & it was the perfect Christmas Eve surprise. I keep telling Magnolia that Santa Claus is coming tonight & of course she has no clue what I'm talking about. If she did know what I was saying she'd probably be pretty disturbed, as she's not a fan of the jolly old man. 

Merry Christmas Eve friends xo 
Wendy Correen Smith
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