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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


December, Baby

Christmas Day is less than one week away. I'm counting down the days like I did when I was a child. I cannot wait to see Magnolia's surprise on Christmas morning when she gets to open all the pink & gold wrapped gifts that Santa leaves under the tree for her.

I've been snapping photos of our month like a mad woman that doesn't want to forget a thing about this season. I've got a computer & phone full of our days with our blue eyed babe. She literally wakes up smarter & stronger every single day. She's growing right in front of our eyes. 

She's obsessed with the sparkling Christmas tree & all the gifts that I prematurely put under tree (because this will be the last year I can do that). I can't blame her for this obsession of hers! If she knew what candy was I'd say she thinks the tinsel was silver licorice. It belongs in her mouth, not on the tree! I have to watch her like a hawk around it, and it's exhausting, but totally worth it. 

She already knows how to unwrap gifts, thanks to her great grandma and my aunt & uncle. On Christmas morning she'll know exactly what to do with all her presents!

I laid in bed last night thinking about our day yesterday. I remember when I was a kid I'd overhear my mom proudly telling strangers the oddest things about me. And I'd think, "wow, that impressed you!?" I didn't understand the whole 'proud mama' thing until I had Magnolia. Pretty much everything she does makes me proud, and I surely brag about normal things to others, but I just cannot help myself. Yesterday she pulled up on a table in her playroom, and pulled down a few books. She also almost pulled down a few picture frames & her heavy snow globe. We are at the point now where I follow her around all day long and try to figure out what to move to prevent her from breaking something or hurting herself. Anyway, she pulled her books down as I sat at my desk. The next thing I know she is pretending to read the book as her itty-bitty pointer finger is tracing the words just like I do when I read to her. She was jibber-jabbering as she went along and my heart almost exploded. I never would have guessed she'd start trying to read a book at ten months old. YES, I totally wished for that and I've been reading to her since she was in my belly. I'm just so proud of her. She continued to pull down more books from her shelves through out the day and pretend to read them. I managed to get a tidbit of it on video yesterday! 

We have several fiddle leaf fig trees & the one in the kitchen has recently been blocked with our kitchen chairs because I found her with dirt in her mouth the other day! Yesterday she out smarted my blocking of the tree, crawled underneath the chair, and managed to get her hand inside the pot. It's hard to keep up with her, but of course, to see her learn new tricks makes me very proud. 

Her new winter coat arrived, light pink with a fur hood, just like her cousin Addy. I'm closely watching the news waiting for our first snow fall. Snow angels are on our winter to-do list! The sleeves are a bit long, but with her current growth rate, surely she'll grow into it. 

When the days permit, once she falls asleep on me while nursing, I'll leave her on me so that I can watch her dream about puppies & rainbows. I remember the days when this was the ONLY way she'd sleep! 

Avocado is our favorite food. When we go out for tacos, which seems to happen on a weekly basis, I'll order her guacamole. 

We've got a ways to go before we can say she eats like a lady!

Our house feels so warm & cozy with the sparkly Christmas tree & stockings on the fireplace. I'm sad to think it'll all have to come down in a few weeks. 

I've been drinking a lot of iced coffee & hot chocolates lately! Never with too much whipped cream on top. 

Our dining room has been converted to Christmas Grand Central Station. This year's Christmas cards are my favorite of all time. You can guess why!

Shopping with Magnolia is always a good time! She is very patient & admired by each person we meet. Look at her feet in the stroller, I laugh every single time she does it. 

We go to Target several times a week & she watches the ladies at the register as they scan each item with the most serious attention.

This photo was taken the first time she met Santa at Bass Pro. I'm not even going to share the photo of her on Santa's lap. It is way too sad. Now, thanks to Santa, she's scared of ALL old people! Crap, what have we done? By the way, she did have on shoes that she was sick of wearing by the end of the day.

I've always loved my nieces & nephew like my own. Before I was a mom, they filled that longing in my heart with so much love and joy. Now I get to gratefully see my sisters love on Magnolia like their own. 

Moments we prayed for right here in a little square. When Magnolia hears the garage door open she'll start saying Dadda Dadda over and over again. Then when he walks in the door she'll start to make her sound for a kiss. Her love for her daddy is the most beautiful thing to witness.

Magnolia looks up to her nieces & Mylene is the coolest! She's getting a pretend cell phone from Santa & I hope she thinks its real because she really wants ours. I wouldn't be surprised if she knows how to take a selfie at her first birthday party. Kidding, totally kidding. 

I hope you are having the most magical December! 


Wendy Correen Smith
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