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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Christmas 2019

Happy New Year friends, 2020 it's kind of a fun year to say, or maybe it's because Magnolia says it in the most adorable way! The Christmas season was a magical one & especially so because we got to spend it in our new home. I'm so grateful that the holiday season was the first season in our home. All the festive first memories we made here were the warm & fuzzy kind. And all but two boxes were unpacked by Christmas!

This season I had no lists or plans or expectations for how we'd spend our Christmas season. Unusual for me, but looking back now it was still a month of full of all the festive stuff & a few of our traditions that come naturally. It was actually kind of exciting to say "hey, let's go drive around and look at the Christmas lights tonight!" or "do you want to go see the Magic Christmas tree" or "should we drive through Longview Christmas in the Park, tonight?" or one of our favorite spontaneous evenings was spent on the Country Club Plaza. Magnolia very rarely goes out after dark, and so for her it was unbelievable to be out and about when the sky was pitch black, under all the Christmas lights. She was fascinated by all the people and then she noticed the horse carriages & people singing Christmas Carols which took her excitement to a whole new level. We got hot chocolates & chocolate chip cookies. She did not want to go home! And now an evening trip to the Plaza for window shopping & hot chocolate + chocolate chip cookies has become a tradition that we have to do every Christmas season.

Decorating Gingerbread Houses with my sister's and their babes is a tradition we do every year! This year my mom was in town & able to join us for all the memory making.

Magnolia's very own Christmas tree was the sweetest addition to her new playroom. Neither of us wanted to take it down on New Year's Day. 

Our Christmas Eve tradition is to wake up and bake cinnamon rolls with extra icing, while sipping hot coffee & listening to our favorite Christmas music, and Magnolia gets to open one gift! For dinner we go to Jack Stack our very favorite BBQ spot! 

On Christmas morning Ryan & I were so excited we were up way before Magnolia. We sipped our coffee & sat by the fire waiting anxiously for our princess to come down and see what Santa had left her. One thing she wanted Santa to bring was a new cup, which he delivered, a very glittery pink one that she loves! Notice her candy cane painted nails to match mine, seriously melts my heart to look at them. 

And she wanted princess dresses and ballet shoes!

She also got a carseat for her baby dolls! And she was too busy taking care of her baby to take a Christmas photo. Best little mommy I know.

The weather was unbelievable for Kansas City. It felt like Easter & the sun was shining so bright. Of course, we all wish for a white Christmas, but this was certainly second best!

This was our failed attempt to get Valentine in our family photo. If you look closely you'll find her. Not sure we'll ever master the art of a family photo with a dog!

She poses better by herself, she just cannot handle sitting still with all of us! 

We had Christmas lunch with the Smiths, and then we had dinner at my sister's house. The food & gifts were never ending. We are incredibly grateful for our family. 

Magnolia & I stumbled upon this little pink Victorian Holiday house one day when we were out shopping. Its crazy how much it looks like our house. Something we'll cherish forever & look forward to pulling out every November when we start to decorate. 

On New Year's Day we packed up all the decor & did some cleaning. I miss the twinkling lights, but also love the feeling of a clean house to start the New Year feeling fresh & new. 

The dining room is almost finished & I cannot wait to share photos of it soon. I'm waiting on some photos to frame & hang, and then it'll be ready! 2020 will be a year of antique hunting & furniture buying. Our front room is wide open & I cannot stop thinking about a pink velvet sofa!!! 

Well, that's our Christmas recap! I hope you had the happiest holiday season & even better start to the New Year. I didn't make a New Year's resolution, but sharing more here is always a goal of mine! Now that we are starting to get settled into our home I should have more time for this little spot of mine on the internet. 


Wendy Correen Smith
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