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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend was full of all things summer: splish + splashing in our pool, melting bomb pops at Papa's house, Magnolia running around & trying to keep up with her cousins, eating some KC BBQ, morning coffee on our back deck, & long cozy naps with the AC blasting! 

We celebrated my sister's birthday at Papa's house this Saturday. The morning of the celebration Magnolia helped me bake Aunt Mal's chocolate cake & we practiced singing Happy Birthday all morning long. Her favorite part of the song is the end when we say Cha Cha Cha & clap. That girl LOVES any excuse to clap her cute little hands.

We made a chocolate shooting star rainbow surprise cake with lots & lots of sprinkles on top!

At Papa's house the kids ran around in the grass, with sticky fingers & arms as the bomb pops melted faster than they could eat them. They played with itty bitty barn kittens. Memories were made with their cousins that they'll surely talk about someday when they are grown.

Our mornings were slow & easy.

On Monday we had an early dinner at Char Bar where Magnolia had some ketchup with a side of three french fries. She's not a fan of BBQ, but we thought it was delicious. They even had a vegan Jackfruit option for me!

The evenings were spent outside before our babe took a bubble bath in our kitchen sink.  Someday soon she's going to be too big for the kitchen sink baths & I'm soaking up the memories of them each night.

Long weekends spent with the ones we love are the best! I think about my grandparents every single day; this Memorial Day weekend my Papa was on my mind even more. To most he's considered a war hero, but to me he's simply my hero. My hero for the man he was, a man of dignity & kindness, patience & love for all, & as a child he was like my dad although his title was that of "grandpa!" He's the first man I ever loved & he was the absolute best. I'm grateful, just so grateful he was mine to love! Not a day goes by that I don't miss him & long for just one more hug. If he was still here with us I think I'd go for a long walk with my hand in his just as we did when I was younger. I'd love to see how much he'd adore our Magnolia. I know we couldn't have a better guardian angel watching over us each day.

Thank you to our veterans & soldiers for giving the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

God Bless xo
Wendy Correen Smith
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