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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


The Start of Summer 2021

Our home has been filled with the pinkest peonies from our yard, the brightest sunshine after a cold winter, and smiles + giggles that warm my heart like no other. 

Early morning sunshine with my sunshine baby girl. 

The other day we were napping together & I woke to her covering my face in the sweetest + softest little kisses. She is a dream come true & so much more. 

That smile is everything! 

We took the girls to Deanna Rose Farmstead a few weeks ago. I'm happy we got it off our summer bucket list before the summer heat wave. These two girls were getting overheated in 76 degrees and had their portable fans going the whole time. I always considered myself high maintenance, but somehow my sister and I have raised two girls even more so. Mags said her favorite part of the trip was her portable fan and Addy's was the gift shop salt water taffy. Next time I'm taking them to Target, half serious. Truly, they had a blast feeding the baby goats, mining for gold and precious stones, and going down all the slides. 

Magnolia found a statue of herself! 

Evening walks with the cousin crew & the girls can't stop dancing. 

Playroom fun. 

A sweet photo before dance class. 

This girl loves dark chocolate & she is picky about it too. 

We did Father's Day photos last weekend! Can't wait to share them soon. 

Maggie Mermaid's first pool day! 

I hope your summer is off to a beautiful start! 
Wendy Correen Smith
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