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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Mother's Day Weekend & Joy

Mother's Day weekend was perfect. All that I wished it to be and so much more. Ryan came home from a work trip on Friday night with a bouquet of white roses in his hand. Flowers are always a nice surprise for me because I'm an Ennegram 8 (known for buying their own gifts) and usually buy my own flowers. We had brunch on Saturday with New Orleans style beignets and fruit. My little brother works at the cutest place called The Market at Meadowbrook  and after brunch we went there for cappuccinos and cookies (two desserts in one day is always a good idea in Maggie Mermaid's world). Adding flowers to our yard and ferns to our front porch was my one and only wish for the day and so that is what we did. 

We spent Sunday with my best girls. My mom, sisters and our little blessings went out for an Italian lunch on the Country Club Plaza. My mom ordered the biggest brownie sundae of all time! Sweet treats were the weekend theme. 

Last week I listened to an Oprah Super Soul podcast, and she said something that really stuck with me, she said happiness is overrated, but JOY, oh let's talk about joy! The French philosopher and scientist Pierre Teillhard de Chardin was quoted in her Podcast saying "Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God." That Super Soul conversation changed the way my days flow. Now when I witness or feel joy I stop and really feel it, and thank God for it, and tuck it away in my heart. To expect a constant state of happiness is unachievable for anyone, but to look for moments of joy & to be grateful for them is what makes life so amazing. Joy in these photographs: the way Magnolia & I hold hands, the fact that she is always covered in her mama's lipstick, the photograph I found in my phone last night that Mag's snapped, the sunshine, the ferns on our deck, Magnolia's hair blowing in the wind, all the cousins together waiting for our seat at the restaurant. 

Magnolia is taking up my love for photography. And now I have the joy of finding random photos she captures in my phone, like this one she took of her parents on Mother's Day 2021. 

Cookies and cappuccinos and fresh air and sunshine.  

She's a proper little lady walking around with her glass cup of water! 

The wind in her hair and that huge infectious smile with the sweetest joy in a photograph. 

My favorite Mother's Day gift from Tiny Besties on Etsy. 

Ferns up & we are all looking forward to front porch livin' this summer. 

Ryan took this as a video at the nursery and I had to save a photo of it. Our sweet girl, our greatest blessing. 

Sunday before lunch with the girls. 

Always so grateful to be this girl's mama! 

Shop our looks below. Current hair products from Prose and self-tanner I'm currently using and LOVE is by St. Tropez


Wendy Correen Smith
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