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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Spooky Halloween Exterior with Huge Spiders, Bats, and Mums

This year I was counting down the days for October first to arrive! We put huge outdoor spiders all over our freshly painted white house, with a group of bats, over 150 pounds of pumpkins, and the biggest mums of all time!!! I've heard the neighborhood kids love the spooky spiders & nothing makes my heart happier. At the end of this post I'll link the spiders & bats we ordered from Amazon. And if you're wondering how we installed them, we did it a little different than what we read online about using fishing wire. And by we, I mean Ryan, did it a little different. He tried the fishing wire technique first and it didn't work. Exterior command hooks + zip ties to the rescue! Once he successfully got the first one up it was a breeze from there.  

A fun trip to the pumpkin patch for all the pumpkins & mums! 

We ordered two of the large 6.5 foot spiders & then one set of spiders which included a few small ones that I put on the rocking chairs. 

So far (knock on wood) none of our neighbors have woke to find a huge spider in their yard. Hoping they'll stay put for a few more weeks!!!

I hope your October has started off warm + cozy + spooky!!! xo 

Wendy Correen Smith
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