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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


I Have Loved You For a Thousand Years - Mommy & Daughter Photos

I cried when I first looked through all the photos from our mother + daughter session. I feel so blessed to be a mother. All the days I wasn't sure if I'd get to experience this, this, the greatest gift of my life. I'll the waiting & longing for Magnolia makes sense now that I know her. The song A Thousand Years, takes me back to our IVF days. One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you & I'll love you for a thousand more. Ryan & I have several songs we played often during IVF, ones that touched our souls and helped with the longing, and this was one of them. I'll never forget the day we sat in the high risk doctor's office waiting to talk to the doctor & hearing this song come on. It was the day the doctor had to apologize for telling us she was a boy & not a girl! We didn't care, it was the genetic test that said she was perfectly healthy & that was all that we cared about. All along I believed, I would find you, time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more. She is the most beautiful part of me. I don't think there will ever be enough "thank yous" to express the gratitude I feel in being her mom. I'm so happy we did these photos, to capture this time in our lives, they will be cherished forever. 

And now for all the photos. I could never be an editor for a magazine. I would fail at picking the best photos to share for any story. Even the photos of my double chin were hard to delete from this post because my darling girl looked so sweet! I couldn't pick just my favorites to share, so let's hope this post doesn't break my blog.

Love, Wendy & Magnolia 

p.s. A huge thank you to our photographer, Crista Hoppe, owner of Everly Photography. She has a special way of capturing loved ones under the glowing light that breaks from the Heavenly sky above. And another huge thank you to my sweet husband and best daddy to Magnolia. He spent his Saturday night driving us an hour away to this field of wildflowers & carried Magnolia & all of my crap in 100 degree weather. He also took behind the scene photos, helped Crista, and then got us takeout dinner when we got home. He spoils us and we are so very blessed. 

Magnolia's dress here & my dress here
Wendy Correen Smith
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