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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Our Past Week In Photos

What a magical + special + lovely past week we just had!!! Not gonna lie, it still feels super weird & nothing feels normal about life right now, BUT (big but) amongst it all we are still searching for & loving the magic in the everyday. Magnolia also known as Maggie Mermaid started dance class. I'm not sure who was more excited about the start of something new; something she has loved since she was in my belly! When I was pregnant I always noticed she'd move around more when I was listening to music & that love of music & movement has only grown more passionate. Mermaid girl is always with me & I was a little nervous she'd have separation anxiety upon entering a room with a new teacher all by herself. We talked about it several times before the big day & she understood how it would go. This girl blew me away, she shined with confidence and did so good, my mama heart had to hold back all the proud happy tears. Another mom from class told me her daughter told her there was a little girl in class named "Maggie Mermaid!" I smiled so big & said "yep, the mermaid is mine!" Thanks to COVID-19 we had to have a few classes rescheduled. The school is taking all the safety measures with daily temperature checks, hand sanitizing, face masks on all (with the exception of the little ones that won't keep them on). It's a weird time in history & we are home way more than I'd wish to be, but we are embracing it as much as we can. Also, starting to venture out some too. We had chips & salsa at a Mexican restaurant on Sunday for the first time since February. That was a big deal for us!!!

Little photos from her first day of dance that I'll treasure forever & ever.

The sweetest ballerina poses created all on her own! In class, ballet is her favorite, just as I suspected it would be. 

The most beautiful part of our past week, actually 2020, was the birth of Isla Rose. My sister & her family welcomed this sweet baby girl into the world on July 8th weighing in at 6 lbs 13 oz. I had a dream about her before she was born & she had lots of dark hair. I told my sister thinking it was just a dream because my niece & nephew were both blonde with very little hair. I couldn't believe my eyes when she arrived with lots of dark hair!

This brought on the tears. My baby holding a newborn for the very first time! Ugh, time is a thief.

I have a photo of Lucca at the exact same age as Magnolia holding her & this photo brings on all the emotions. All the love in the world right here!

On the way over to meet Isla for the first time Magnolia told me her name isn't Isla but Mermaid.
And to our sweet surprise upon unswaddling, she was in a mermaid outfit.

It's really hard to put her down!

My mom brought over flowers from her garden & it's always so nice to have fresh flowers around the house. 

She has wished for this Pony Cycle Unicorn for months and she finally got it! It's the coolest thing ever, Ryan & I want one now. No batteries required and it really trots like a horse.

We've been getting shaved ice from the gas station around the corner. This girl loves the Birthday Cake flavor. 2020 is the year to embrace the joy in all the little things like this. She's also becoming best friends with the ice cream truck lady!

 I crimped my hair for the first time since 1987 & it's a fun hairstyle that lasts all week long.

I hope you're having a happy week! As always, thanks for following along on our journeys!


Wendy Correen Smith
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