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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Celebrating the 4th of July

Last night Magnolia was begging for fireworks & shaved ice & pretty much a complete re-do of our weekend! She was fascinated with the huge inflatable dragon in front of the fireworks tent & it was a consistent conversation piece this past weekend. She was totally bummed when we drove by the tents all closed up last night. She's obsessed with the 4th and this was certainly her funnest one yet. She did her first sparkler, all the while I'm trying to figure out how my baby is old enough to hold popping fire on a stick. We spent the evening at my sister's house & the cousin crew had a blast eating bomb pops + red, white & blue cupcakes + doing sparklers + stepping on pop-it snappers + and just being crazy wild together.

Now we get to roll into the second half of summer & I'll be honest I've had a few daydreams of pumpkins + crispy leaves + fall decor. I picked this up at Target last week & it gave me all the warm & fuzzies. 

Magnolia starts dance class tonight & my heart may just explode. 

I hope you all had the happiest 4th, and as always, thanks for reading! xo 
Wendy Correen Smith
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