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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Please Meet Capri Blue

We welcomed into our family this Memorial Day weekend a little white + cream chunky-monkey blue-eyed chihuahua. Her eye color, OMG, it's the exact same color as Magnolia's. And she has pink ears! We had planned to get Maggie Mermaid a chihuahua when she turned five, but with the world being at a stand still & zero travel plans in the near future, we decided what better time than now to get another little fur baby.

She is the perfect little puppy, fun + spunky + playful when she's on the ground, and she falls fast asleep on my lap like a little cuddle bug. She's going potty outside most of the time & sleeping like a baby at night. Capri is just an angel puppy! I mentally prepared myself for the first few weeks to be really tough & now I'm pleasantly surprised at how well she is doing.

Valentine still has some adjusting to do. She has shown some signs of jealousy, but overall is doing pretty good. Capri thinks she's her mommy & Valentine thinks Capri is her new toy. Cuddling on the sofa when the whole family is relaxed & ready for bed is definitely my favorite time.

A few people have asked about Magnolia's dog allergy. I have a dog allergy too, so I always hoped as she matured she'd be much like me & only have a very minor symptoms around dogs. My sister has two chihuahuas, one of which used to cause Magnolia awful reactions when she was about one. The other one is a newer puppy from the same breeder we got Capri. Each time Magnolia has been around them this past year she has been fine. She has been sneezing with an itchy nose lately, which sets off my mommy anxiety, but she's actually like this every summer just like Ryan. Seasonal allergies affect them pretty bad this time of year. Little Capri will shed hair, but from my experience with itty bitty chihuahuas it's very little. We have hardwood floors which will help greatly, and we don't let our fur babies sleep in our bed. We have an air purifier by our bed & I swap out our HVAC furnace filter religiously.

Picking her name was the hardest part of all. Oh, my goodness, we changed her name about ten times over the long weekend before settling on Capri Blue. A few of the runner ups were:

+ Sarah Ballerina (this is the name Mags really wanted, but Ryan & I know a lot of Sarah's so it didn't feel right to name our dog after so many people we know!)
+ Easter Bunny
+ Marshmallow Bunny Roo
+ Marshmallow Confetti Cake
+ Marshmallow Lucky Charm
+ Bunny Blue
+ Peaches & Cream (Mags turned her nose up to this one several times, even though Ry & I both liked it very much)

We finally settled on Capri Blue because of her beautiful blue eyes (think Capri Italy not the kid's drink) & it's also the name of my very favorite candle brand at Anthro. 



Cuddling on the sofa watching movies......the sweetest memories. I hope you all had a happy & safe Memorial Weekend. 
Wendy Correen Smith
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