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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Mother's Day 2020

Forever grateful to get to celebrate this day with my own daughter. The feelings & emotions associated with this day always come on strong as the weekend approaches. Never will I forget the longing to be a mother. And my heart always aches for the women that are still in the wait, the ones with babies in Heaven, and for all the sons & daughters with moms in Heaven. Women are emotional creatures, and to have a holiday all about them is bound to bring all the heartfelt feelings to the surface.

Magnolia said "Happy Mother's Day, mama" all day long & each time I pulled her close to let her know it's because of her (& her daddy) I get to celebrate this day. In true 2020 fashion we stayed home most of the day, other than going out to get takeout Panera. A treat we haven't had since lockdown began.

This is what it feels like trying to take photos with Valentine! I was bound to get one with her & thankfully got one decent one to treasure.

My greatest gift from Heaven above. I think the title of "mom" will forever be a name that feels surreal, a blessing that I cherish every single moment. Yesterday, I told Magnolia with tears in my eyes how much she means to me. And how we prayed for her, and how there was a time I was scared I wouldn't get to be a mommy. Then God sent her to me! And my life will never ever be the same. God trusted me with this little soul & grateful isn't even a strong enough word. 

These two best friends on our way to get take-out dinner. 

On Saturday we went over to my sister's house to visit with our mom. My sister got little flower pots for the kids to paint & pot flowers for grandma's Mother's Day gift. The sound of their laughter together again was the best gift of all!

Have a beautiful week ahead, friends.

Wendy Correen Smith
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