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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Our Annual Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Hello friends! How exciting was this past weekend with a frosty chill in the air!?! We did all the fall stuff this weekend. We kicked it off with a trip to my sisters' homecoming parade & then football game on Friday night & on Sunday we took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. It finally feels like fall now that we drank hot apple cider, danced to a Johnny Cash cover band, saw brand new baby pigs, and brought home a bunch of pum'kins.

Johnson Farms had the prettiest shade of pink mums. Get me a Uhaul because I want them all!

Our matching Hunter boots makes twinning with my girl super easy & always fun!

I snapped these photos right before a little piggy nipped Magnolia's hand. Lesson learned, pigs bite! I had no idea. Magnolia was not happy about it, she tried to hold in the tears but couldn't, and she talked about it all night long.

This is her third trip to the farm & her first year to really get to play. She didn't want to leave the tractor. Ollie & Magnolia had a few places they needed to go!

The Seven Dwarfs train ride was the biggest hit. She could barely contain her excitement!

Papa Jesse joined us & we celebrated his birthday at the farm!

My sister Mallory & her family moved closer to us this past summer. To see the bond between the kids growing makes my heart incredibly grateful. Magnolia talks about Ollie all the time & always wants him to hold her hand!

Ryan & I are celebrating our four year anniversary this week. I dreamed of this life for many many years before we met. My greatest gifts! Thankful to call them mine.

We stood in line for almost an hour for hot apple cider! Daddy's girl had the best seat in the house.

After Magnolia & Lucca danced to the live country music we let Magnolia pick out her pum'kin. She had her heart set on a blue one, but we couldn't find one. We'll have to paint it this week!

We came home and had chili for dinner, took naps & hot baths, and Magnolia cooked some food in her pink kitchen using the gourds she brought home. All she talked about this weekend was Halloween, football, the piggy that nipped her finger, blue pum'kins, & Christmas. She seriously loves a good celebration & goodness I am beyond grateful for the light of our lives!

Today we are doing the home inspection at our new house & all three of us are pretty excited about the red "knock-knock!"

Hope you enjoy some fall traditions this week. Ohhhhhh, and side note, Trader Joe's has everything fall from cranberry crackers to Autumn Squash Soup, beautiful mums, & the most delicious apple cider. I had a hard time buying only the items on my grocery list on Saturday. If you need to add some fall joy in your life go to Trader Joe's!

Wendy Correen Smith
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