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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


The Missouri State Fair

A few weeks ago Ryan took a stay-cation & it just happened to be during the Missouri State Fair. I hadn't been since my college days & I was reluctant to go because of the heat. Ryan had his heart set on going & so we loaded up the car & drove about an hour to the fair one week day. As soon as we got there we watched the pig races & we had never seen anything quite like it before. The announcer had his two kids as part of the show & they were just as entertaining as the actual pigs! They played musical instruments, did backflips, & told jokes. All the crowd was involved & it was a really fun way to start the day!

We walked around & looked at all the animals. Magnolia got to feed some of them in the petting zoo. And this wasn't a typical petting zoo, they had zebras, camels, kangaroos & a bunch other animals I cannot even remember now. Magnolia got her first bag of cotton candy & it was as big as she was. And she hated it, so we gave it away! When it comes to sweets if it doesn't have chocolate in it then she's not interested. Can't say I blame her!

Other than a six week horseback riding class I took in middle school, I haven't been around horses much. When this huge mule started sniffing up my arm I just about freaked. It was the strangest feeling & I wasn't prepared. It was a friendly guy!

Just when the misery of the heat was really setting in we headed over to the carnival & rides. I was ready to go home, dripping with sweat READY, but we knew Magnolia had much more to experience. We had the option of buying three tickets or 20! We bought 20! 

I was riding around on the carousel, trying to hush my inner thoughts of "all I want to do is get to the car and crank up the air conditioner" I watched her pure joy as we went around & around. The magic in her eyes & the happiness in her soul, poured into me. Motherhood has taught me lesson after lesson, and this day was full of them.

Once the tickets were all used up we headed to the car! All three of us were worn out. Magnolia was overstimulated & tired beyond exhaustion, she screamed the whole way home until I climbed into the backseat about 20 minutes from home. Very rarely does she get this overstimulated, but this day was one for the books. Lesson learned, go to fairs after the sun goes down! My sister already gave me that advice but we didn't listen.

We are certainly looking forward to cooler days & already planning our Halloween family costume. Yep, Ryan & I are dressing up this year & truly I've never been more excited for Halloween before. As always, thanks for following along on our journeys. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.

Wendy Correen Smith
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