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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


April Magic

April has already come & gone. How did the magical month of bright green grass + blooming lilacs come & go so fast? We had our windows & back door wide open every single day that we could. After the never ending winter, this April felt even more joyful than usual. Walking around our backyard or the big city with this little girl holding my hand are days I'll treasure forever. I know we are living the best days of lives right now & all I can do is try to soak up every single bit of it.

We were are on the go every single weekend.

We walked around the West Bottoms for First Fridays with fresh strawberry lemonade in hand.
We enjoyed the warm sunshine + cool breeze at the Kansas City Zoo as we admired all the wild animals.

Magnolia had lots of playtime with her cousins over at aunt Hay Hay's house. She literally wakes up every single morning asking to go "bye-bye" to "Hay Hay's!" A trip to Walmart is an adventure, especially on days when we meet up with her cousins! We had Bunny Butt pancakes & three Easter egg hunts. Simple joys like bubbles on the back deck as she belly giggles are the best.

My sister's house is surely her favorite place to go, it even tops Target 😉.  I know she cherishes all the fun she has with her older cousins. Even after a long day of playing she still wants to FaceTime with them from the sofa at bedtime.

We played in the backyard & walked around the arboretum. She loves to just sit on the front stairs & watch all the birds, bunnies, & squirrels play. April was for daily walks around our neighborhood & stops at the school so she could go down the slides.

She got a new red tricycle from her grandparents. And I cannot forget the way she was incredibly cautious, but still ecstatic to be at her first pool party. Her curls in the wind & the way she runs in the sunshine. She took her first shower with me & then insisted on hot pink lipstick as I was doing my makeup.

In case you missed the highlight of April you can see our Hippity Hoppity Easter here, also my birthday here, and the first of April when we remembered our baby in Heaven here.

This is a sweet reminder for you & me: soak it all up. Play as much as you can, go outside & breathe in the fresh air & soak up the sunshine, hold hands & cuddle, children offer so much magic to everyday life. I love to watch her eyes when she sees a bird or butterfly, and the way she literally runs in the sunshine with her hands up to the bright blue sky, and oh-my-goodness the way her soft itty-bitty hand feels in mine. Cherish it all.

And here's to one sunny + colorful month of May!

Wendy Correen Smith
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