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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Rainbows + Mother's Day

Hello! It's finally a sunny Monday here in Kansas City! I hope you had the happiest Mother's Day weekend with your loves. Our weekend was an easy going one, filled with flowers, baby girl giggles, brunch, cupcakes, vanilla mojitos, & rainbows!

On Saturday we walked around the nursery & I tried to convince Ryan that we should (& definitely can) plant every color variation of peonies in our yard. I think I may have convinced him to plant at least one in a few weeks. We are thinking about switching up our front yard flower landscaping this year & wanted to get some ideas.

I had no idea there was a flower called the "peony-tulip" & oh my goodness they are beautiful. They are like little baby peonies on a tulip stem. 

After Magnolia's afternoon nap we drove around & did the Parade of Homes again. If you aren't from the area, it's a two week long event where new home builders put their homes on display. All the homes are open & people can walk through them to get ideas. Last year I shared this gorgeous modern farmhouse - it's still my favorite. On our way to one of the homes we stopped at Starbuck's, and Magnolia was literally yelling "cook" (her word for food) from the back seat. She wanted a drink of her own, but ended up having to share my white chocolate hot chocolate with me. She didn't waste a drop! Sometimes we look at her & forget she's only TWO!!! 

I don't ever want to forget the way Magnolia woke up on Mother's Day morning. She knew it was a special day & ran to the kitchen insisting to find cupcakes in the fridge. Singing "Happy Birthday" was another request. She truly thinks any celebration is a birthday party & it's really the sweetest thing ever. On Saturday, Ryan took her to pick out my gift. On Sunday morning Ryan handed her the bag to give to me. He told me she had picked them out & before she even gave me the bag she was saying "earrings" over & over. It was adorable & she very proudly opened the gift for me. She picked out long dangly earrings with the most beautiful amethyst stone, also her birthstone!

We have a Mother's Day tradition to take a photo together by the Magnolia tree we planted only a few days before our IVF transfer. We had hearts full of hope & faith that we'd be blessed with a child, but we had no idea our Magnolia was truly on her way to us. This year before brunch we headed out to the tree to take a photo & I really wanted our Valentine Lollipop to be in the photo with us. I had no idea Ryan was snapping photos of the chaotic excitement that was taking place as I attempted to get them both by the tree. Magnolia was totally cheesing for the camera while I was chasing our muddy white poodle around the yard. I had to give up on V being in the photo!

It's wild to look back on the past two years to see how much our girl has grown! And we think the Magnolia tree needs some fertilizer or something because it's only gotten fluffier over the years, it hasn't grown taller. 

We had brunch at McClain's Market. Mags & I shared our favorite avocado toast. I also enjoyed a crisp vanilla mojito before Magnolia picked out a rich chocolate chip cookie dough cupcake. Because, in her eyes, it's not a celebration without a "cuk-cake!" 

On our way to brunch we had a very close call on the highway. Right as the skies started to pour down a heavy rain, a car that had just passed Ryan (going way too fast), started to spin out of control. I heard Ryan say "oh NOOOOO" and before I could get "what?" out I could see this car doing a 360 turn only a few cars ahead of us. We were bracing ourselves to be hit as the cars were all crowded around one another & everyone had to hit the brakes. I'm still in absolute shock that she didn't impact one single car. Not one car was hit as she crossed three lanes & was facing several cars head on!!! Her car flew off the highway into the ditch, it didn't flip & it didn't end up on the side road. We immediately started praying out loud, thanking God for keeping all of us safe. I could cry thinking about all the guardian angels watching over every single car on the highway Sunday morning. 

The weather was wild, with several crazy storms, and lots of sunshine in between. I just knew there would be a colorful rainbow. When I saw this one in the rear view mirror I made Ryan pull over for photos! God's slices of Heaven on Earth take my breath away every single time. I say we are "rainbow hunters" & I hope Magnolia always feels the same excitement & joy in her heart each time we find one. We will forever be pulling the car over to photograph these Heavenly creations! 

She's cheesing BIG TIME in this photo & I can just hear her sweet giggles now.

We were eating dinner Sunday night when Ryan spotted this one from the kitchen table! Two rainbows in one day!!! I know there were a lot of mommas out there feeling the love from God above as they decorated our gray Sunday sky. 

Peony Tulips are stunning but droopy! Every time I look at their beauty my heart fills with happiness. 

I watch this little girl playing with her dolls & it takes me back to my childhood. Back to some of my earliest memories I dreamed of being a mommy, just like she does. This gift that God has entrusted me with is beyond any thing I could have ever dreamed. 

As I share this, I think back on all my silent Mother's Days before. The ones that hurt, the ones that highlighted what was missing from my life. I wrote this post last year for all the mom's in waiting. This holiday is a tender one & I understand. 

I hope you have a happy week ahead. xo
Wendy Correen Smith
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