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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


"First we'll make snow angels..."

15 days until Christmas! 15!!! How is that so!?! I feel like this month is going by so fast, but we're trying to soak up all the magic as much as we can. We've watched all the Christmas movies cuddled up on our sofa by the twinkling lights & Polar Express is the one Magnolia seems to enjoy the very most. She's scared of the train, but equally intrigued by it. Last Friday night she took this very unusual late afternoon nap & slept until the sun went down. She never ever EVER does that & I just knew that was our one & only opportunity to take her to Christmas in the Park. It took us over an hour to get inside the park & once we did she was absolutely blown away by all the thousands of twinkling lights. Magnolia got her first hair cut & had her first play in the powder white snow. The way she laughed as she fell into the soft snow to make a snow angel will forever be part of my heart. Her puppy Valentine is by her side at all times & they're bond is the classic "a girl & her dog" type - the sweetest. Magnolia is my shopping buddy & can literally go all day long! Glitter reindeer purse is on her shoulder at all times. Festive attire is already on point with my girl!  We spent three+ hours at Ikea getting Christmas gifts to stock her play kitchen & she didn't fuss once. She loves Costco samples & one of the photos below was snapped right before she got pretty upset with the chocolate all over her fingers & face. So she likes to shop & she hates to be dirty. Ummmmm, she got that from me! We still have plans to go to Union Station, dinner on the Country Club Plaza & a cookie decorating + gingerbread house making party with my sisters & their babes. I'm sure we'll add in some other festive stuff while Ryan is on his Christmas vacation. We are skipping a visit to Santa this year because she doesn't want anything to do with sitting on some strange man's lap (cannot blame her for that one!). I feel a little bad that I haven't got around to making our family Christmas cards this year (and it just may not happen), but you know what we cannot do it all & enjoy the things we are doing. That's the my motto for the rest of December, we're going with the flow, doing a bunch of festive stuff & soaking up all the joy along the way!

"First we'll make snow angels for two hours, then we'll go ice skating, then we'll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse cookie dough as fast as we can, & then we'll snuggle!" - The Elf

May the rest of your December be Merry!
Wendy Correen Smith
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