After she woke she found it all ready for her on the kitchen table. She poked her little finger in the red ball, gave me her wrinkled eye-brow look, said "NOOO" & walked off to play with her doll. At first I was surprised by her disgust! I tried to encourage her to look at & she got even more bothered, so I just left it alone. About 15 minutes passed & she went into the kitchen & got out the measuring spoons. I gave her a tiny ball of it & she was intrigued with it's ability to mush into the spoon.
After a little bit we ended up at the table & she was happily playing with it using utensils & watching me form shapes. In retro I should have known she'd be hesitant to get her hands dirty. She's just like me in that regard!
I didn't have cream of tartar on hand so I used the following recipe with lemon juice instead. It was so easy to make & it'll definitely be something we do again this winter. Next time I'll add in something for texture like dried lavender or glitter.
1 cup of flour
1/4 cup of salt
3/4 cup of water
Food coloring
3 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
Essential oil
On medium heat warm the liquid ingredients saving the EO for the very end. It should be hot, but it doesn't need to boil. While it's heating, mix the dry ingredients together & then add it to the hot fluid. Using a wooden spoon mix it all together until a ball forms & then move it to wax paper. Once it's cooled a bit you can knead it & add the essential oils. It only takes about five minutes to whip up! Store in an airtight container.
I'll be sharing more indoor winter activities for toddlers!
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