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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


New Year's Day 2018

Happy 2018 to you!

On New Year's Eve we took down our beautiful blue spruce Christmas tree. We knew it was drying out because each time we touched it about 100 needles would rain down on us. After we got all the ornaments off we decided the lights should be removed outside, just to contain the mess. As Ryan was pulling the tree out the front door, it rubbed against our furniture, the walls, and stairs. Our white carpet was covered in green tiny pine needles, I'd say somewhere between 100,000 and one million were dispersed throughout our living area & entry! No kidding. When I saw them stuck between the carpet & baseboards I swore off a real tree, forever. It was a mini-disaster. Magnolia had to spend a good hour in her playard watching Moana while we went on a frenzy of a cleanup. We stopped several times to look at Magnolia watching us, she must have thought we had lost our minds! When it was all said & done, there was only one bloody finger tip, and a few curse words yelled after pulling them out of our feet. After some nice detail work, I think we got 99.9% of the needles up & I've already recommitted to a real tree again next year.

After the clean-up we bundled up in our warmest clothes & fuzzy hats, because it was negative something in Kansas City, and we ventured out for pizza. When the clock struck midnight we were not dancing under the disco ball, but cuddled up in bed. The next morning, on the first day for 2018, is when our party started!

Ryan did some major (& much needed) deep cleaning in our master bathroom, while I baby-fyed (I made that word up) our main living area. I had so many breakables to move to a new area & many new toys that now have a place in our living room. We cleaned, organized, and rearranged most of the day. I think the best way to start a New Year is with a freshly cleaned home!

Magnolia now has a safe & fun play area in our living room & kitchen. We celebrated the new space & first day of 2018, with a balloon drop & disco ball dance party. She currently loves the Apple Animoji commercial & will throw her hands up in the air & scream when she hears it. So we played that song for her & let her dance amongst all the pink & blue balloons. I want her to grow up knowing it's quite easy to throw a mini-party. Follow along with us on Instagram to see all the cute videos & Instastories.

In the kitchen is her baby grand piano. Her & I both play on it every single day. Later this week I'm going to share photos of her little spot to make music for us.

Also, later this week, I plan to take some time to write out dreams & aspirations for this New Year. Are you making New Year's resolutions? I'd love to hear them.

May all your 2018 hopes & dreams come true. xo

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Wendy Correen Smith
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