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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.



Yesterday I woke up to an ELEVEN month old baby girl! We had a pretty chill day with our biggest excitement being our trip to Target for groceries. It's too cold here to do much else. I was telling Ryan this morning that she wore her fur hooded coat the whole time. She sat like a little eskimo only moving her head around to look at all the stuff. She normally wiggles around and ends up sitting sideways in the cart by the time we get to check-out. The bulky coat kept her warm, cozy, and sitting still. I might have to use this trick each time! She's like a little lady now & her personality blossoms every single day. Her smile (with her six big teeth) & laugh lights up our world. She talks constantly, even in the middle of the night when we should be sleeping.

To remember this age, I thought it'd be sweet to make a little list of all things Magnolia.

Height: 28 inches
Weight: Over 17 pounds, we haven't been to the doctor since nine months, so I'm not really sure
Favorite Song: Thunder by Imagine Dragons & any song that has a good beat
Loves to Eat: Mommy's milk, avocado, and mommy's strawberry smoothies
How many teeth?: Six with a bunch coming in now, including some big ol' molars
Sleep: Next to her mommy at night & on mommy or daddy for naps, the car is the only place she'll sleep alone

Favorite Christmas Toy: Her piano
Movies We Watch On Repeat: Moana, Santa Paws, & Santa Paws II (yes the Christmas movies are still playing into the New Year); oh and not a movie, but she loves any TV commercial with a catchy song
Favorite Book: That's Not My Unicorn
Best Friend: Other than mommy & daddy, her cousins Mylene & Addy, and she wishes Mrs. would be her best friend, but that's never going to happen [sad face]
Favorite Place To Go: Aunt Haley's house, Target, & Kindermusik

Crawling, Standing, Walking?: She crawls & stands like a pro, she's still not walking on her own & we're in no rush
Always Makes Her Laugh: Her daddy, when Mrs. accidentally gets close enough for her to touch, blowing fart bubbles on her belly, tickling her feet or any part of her body - she's a ticklish one
Things That Scare Her: A lot of things scare her, especially loud noises & new people that get too close for her comfort
Generally Loves: Bath time, music, going places, people (at a distance), other kids, dogs, reading, real cell phones (the fake ones do not excite her), FaceTime with her daddy/grandma/aunts/cousins, & shopping

As I work on this post, she's walking around the fireplace singing & talking to herself. Did I mention, she never stops talking!? Lastly, I have to always remember the way she gives kisses. She clicks her little tongue and makes a sound that is her "kiss." She does it when we enter a room & sometimes even to strangers. She'll often give "kisses" to her Mrs. & always to her daddy when he gets home from work. When we leave Aunt Haley's house, she always gives "kisses" good-bye & they're the sweetest. I know someday she'll give a real version of the kiss & my heart will miss Magnolia's affectionate baby ones.

Her adorable outfit was made by my sister Little Lucca Love & the knot is by If you're on Instagram go follow them & look for one of their most recent posts as they're currently doing a giveaway. The darling + glittery silver shoes are from Pediped Footwear.

Wendy Correen Smith
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