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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Baby Summer Dresses

I read a funny and appropriate meme that said something like "I either have my hair and makeup done looking all nice or I look homeless there is no in between!" When Magnolia and I are at home I'm usually in pajama shorts, with a tank top and cardigan on top, and she's usually in a onesie. At home I'm always rocking a top knot with hair that hasn't been washed for days. [Side note for future post - my favorite dry shampoos.] When we go out I like to get ready, hair, makeup, perfume, nails, head-to-toe ready. Of course I like to doll her up too. She is my real life baby doll, after all. I'm currently waiting on a shipment from Old Navy to arrive. I ordered some of the cutest rompers and dresses. I love Old Navy because their stuff isn't too baby-ish, if you know what I mean. I ordered several black outfits for Magnolia so we'll be able to match! 

The dress she wore for her three month photos is from The Gap, but it's no longer available. I have three favorite places to shop for her: Old Navy, Baby Gap, and H&M. They all have the most adorable options and great prices. We have a new H&M opening by our house tomorrow and we have plans to go shopping there for their big Grand Opening. Her cute little headband bows are from my favorite Etsy shop Love Amalie Maren.

With the start of summer upon us I wanted to share our favorite dresses & rompers from Old Navy, Gap, and H&M.

Magnolia and I still haven't made it to the pool! That is on our summer bucket list. I need to pickup a rimmed bonnet and a long-sleeved swim top.

Do you have any favorite places to shop for baby clothes?

Wendy Correen Smith
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