I've always been a "headache-person" --- stress, hunger, dehydration, hormones, lack of sleep, travel --- you name it, I'm going to get a headache. As I've gotten older I've noticed that my neck pain has become a big cause of my headaches. And within my circle of sisters & girlfriends, it doesn't seem to be an usual ailment. My sister & I both get neck pain so bad that we'll wake-up nauseous and sometimes even vomit from the pain. I have a feeling this is a common problem for many other women & teens too, my niece is already dealing with it. The way we position our neck to use the phone is a huge contributing factor, along with a bunch of other things, like the way we sleep/sit, our huge purses/diaper bags, poor posture while breastfeeding, crappy pillows + mattresses, carrying babies & toddlers, sitting at a computer all day, etc.
I know we aren't going to give up our cell phones, but paying attention to the amount of time we are on them & the way we position our neck when using them will certainly help. My sister & I talk about our neck pain all the time, fun conversations we have now that we've gotten older, ha! Today I'm sharing some of the things we do when we wake up in pain & a few things we do to try and prevent it from happening in the first place.
Tylenol + Advil // I hate taking pain relievers, but I take them. I usually try to wait it out & see if I can get rid of the pain before I pop a pill, but sometimes it's just not going away & I need help.
Ice Packs // I think everyone should have an ice pack in the freezer & don't forget to use them. My sister made one with flour & I have a drugstore gel version. Sometimes all I will need is some time on the ice pack before my nerves are numb & the pain is gone.
Heating Pads // I think the heating pad usage is debatable as it can cause more inflammation, but for me they feel good & I try to rotate the heat with the cold.
Chiropractor // My chiropractor has helped me in a big way & I really encourage anyone dealing with any type of musculoskeletal pain to see one.
Massager // My sister took hers to Florida this summer! That is how serious she is about using hers. It was in her carry-on bag & we teased her about it several times. And then I ended up using it too. She has one like this & mine is a cushion version.
Yoga & Stretching // I love to do Yoga stretches around the house every single day. Magnolia usually joins me on the floor & does them with me. YouTube has tons of great yoga videos & this photo display of six stretches will be a big help.
Hot Baths & Showers // Baths are my time to unwind + relax & they are an even more important part of my day if I'm hurting. Adding essential oils & epsom salts make it feel spa like & provide health benefits. A bath & hot shower before stretching will help loosen the muscles.
Pillow // Okay, this is a BIG deal. Having a pillow that properly supports your neck is a game changer. I was using a memory foam pillow that I thought was good & until I switched over to a contour gel pillow. The contour provides the best support for the cervical spine.
Purse // Try not to carry around a heavy purse or diaper bag for extended periods of time. I have a small cross body purse I keep in the car & I throw my wallet, phone & keys in it before shopping.
Posture // Pay attention to your posture, especially when using the phone or computer. A neckache can creep up fast if you're sitting poorly.
Sleep Position // I just recently learned this tip. I always knew sleeping on your back was best, but did you know your arms should be straight down your side? Almost like a mummy. My habit is to pull my arms & hands up to my face while sleeping on my back. Now I try to fall asleep with my arms straight down.
Peppermint Oil & Biofreeze // The cooling sensation of peppermint oil & Biofreeze helps with sore neck & muscle pain.
Water & Hydration // I always think water cures all things. Staying hydrated is important for overall health, but definitely for preventing head & neck aches.
Professional Massage // I'd like to do this every single month & it's been over a year since I had a real massage. They can help with recurring neck pain as they keep the muscles relaxed. And we all need a little pampering!
Night Guard // If you grind your teeth at night you may not realize how much strain it puts on your neck. A night guard will help! I'm on my fourth or fifth one because I literally chew them. Runs in my family!
I don't think I need to say this, but I will. This is just my experience & advice for other ladies dealing with the same thing. This is not intended as medical or professional advice, diagnosis or treatment.
If you have any other tips or experience I'd love to hear. All my favorite products are below.
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