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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Last of Winter 2019

Happy first day of spring, friends! Finally it's here!!! I think we can all agree this has been the longest winter of all time. And I actually love winter, but I'm so ready for some sunshine, thunderstorms, sandals, fresh flowers, & windows wide open. I was going through all my photos & came to the realization that most of our days are about the same: pajamas until post-lunch (or a diaper in Mag's case), playtime in the magical playroom, Friday night tacos for dinner, numerous trips to Target, & lots of shopping with my sister & her babe aka Addy-girl (Magnolia's best friend!). Before we get into the fun of spring I have to do a last of winter 2019 post!

Magnolia's dining room to playroom conversion was the best decision ever. If you didn't see the full blog post on her playroom you can find it here. We're having serious conversations about moving & the thought of leaving this room is the hardest!

Wherever Magnolia goes Valentine follows. They are the cutest together, even when they have a little tiff, which happens several times a day.

This girl can literally shop 'til she drops. This past weekend we took her on a donut date & afterwards we made a special trip to Target to get her the grocery cart she has wanted since before Christmas. We let her push it around with her new baby doll & pretend Starbucks.  She had lots of people stopping to admire her cuteness.

Magnolia & Addy-girl love to accessorize!

And about that donut date...Cotton Candy & Vanilla with sprinkles on top were our picks. It wasn't easy to pick from their hundreds of options. If you're in Kansas City you have to check out Hurts Donuts.

And so many photos from around the house because that is where you'll find us 90% of the time. I'm so grateful I get to stay at home with her. Our days are pretty basic with daily dance parties, plenty of cuddles, phone conversations (real & pretend), Disney movies, naps + cuddles, reading books,  coloring pictures, & tea parties.

Magnolia got ahold of my phone & took about 100 photos. This was the first one & my heart just about melted when I saw it. She is obsessed with shoes & it's so fitting that she photographed them. 

We have Alexa playing music all day long & she is always singing & dancing. Performing for us makes her shine!

I've told myself to never forget the way she twirls her hair & gazes up at me with her bright blue eyes when she's nursing. Cherish!

This was Saturday right after she woke. She has learned the art of staying in bed & watching a movie on a cloudy weekend morning. I think she wanted me to bring her breakfast in bed, but we aren't getting that crazy yet!

On St. Patrick's Day it was my grandma's birthday. She would have been 95! My sister & I took the girls to the cemetery to leave flowers & sing Happy Birthday, then we went out for tacos before shopping. And our last stop was Starbucks for Vanilla Fraps. I hope they always know they are our world!

One Saturday this past month we took Mags & Addy on a cupcake date. They are both obsessed with cake!

Going out for tacos & margaritas is one of my favorite things to do a on a Friday night!

After this dark & cold winter I think we're all looking forward to bright blue skies decorated with pink clouds! I captured this one a few days ago & I'm so ready to get our deck opened up.

Rosé & sunshine - hello spring evenings!

Walks to our school playground will certainly be a daily habit. She is no longer fearful of the slide & swings! 

This huge teddy bear was a V-day gift from her grandparents! Cute cute!

And this right here, is what I waited for all of my life. The ordinary, the everyday parts of motherhood. Blessed.

May your spring days be filled with so much love, happiness, & celebrations!

Wendy Correen Smith
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