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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Magnolia's First Time at the Movie Theater

We took Magnolia to the movies for the first time this Saturday. With her ability to stay seated on the airplane combined with her love of movies we figured she'd really enjoy it & she sure did. The moment we stepped foot in the lobby she started to run towards all the candy that was conveniently located at eye level. Sheer excitement ran through her little body as we entered the movie theater to see Disney's Christopher Robin.

She sat between us or on our laps through the entire movie while eating popcorn & chocolate covered raisins & gulping down a cherry Icee. The movie was the cutest & now I want to have a picnic in an English meadow full of purple flowers. Truly, 100 Acre Wood had my mind whirling with ideas for Magnolia's second birthday.

She was just as quiet as all the other kids, only talking during the adorable parts with Pooh & his friends. The blue buttons that controlled the reclining of our seat caught her attention for about one minute. And then the older lady two seats down had to say "{loud throat clearing} excuse me ma'am but she's pushing those buttons & the blue light is distracting me!" I didn't say a thing back to her. Although, I did want to remind her that she was watching Winnie the Pooh at three o'clock in the afternoon on a Saturday. After the movie Ryan & I found the irony in her intolerance as she watched a movie about the beauty of childhood curiosity. 

It was a memorable afternoon & I'm sure we'll be back again soon. Weekends are the best & I hope you had a good one.

Wendy Correen Smith
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