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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Magnolia in April

Our baby girl started walking this weekend! I heard Ryan calling for me while I was in the bathroom doing my makeup. I had a feeling he'd worked with her long enough to give her the courage to take those first steps. She was a late bloomer in the walking department at 14 months & four days, to be exact. She looks just like her daddy, but her personality is so much like mine. I've already started to joke/warn Ryan that she may cry on P.E. days, to which I will understandably give her all the advice to avoid the sweat. One example, wear sparkly inappropriate shoes & blame me! Sorry not sorry, I will be that mom.

It really took my breath away to watch her proudly smile as she took quite a few steps toward us. Thankfully I caught it on video because it was the sweetest!

In her Easter basket the bunny brought her a new swimsuit. He must have heard the news that Ryan booked a beach trip for us. The first few days Ryan will have to work, but after that it'll be family time with melting ice cream cones (& pina coladas) on the beach! I'm really looking forward to seeing this girl's reaction to the ocean.

On Easter morning she was covered in chocolate & glitter! We have bubbles & new sidewalk chalk that we are patiently waiting to use. This Kansas City weather with snow, accumulating snow at that, is really wild. Once the sun comes out we are looking forward to decorating our driveway with artwork & walking to the park & playing in her new unicorn sprinkler. My list can go on forever, summa' time we are ready for ya!

Her personality is blossoming in the most beautiful of ways. She wrinkles her nose when she smiles now & it literally melts my heart into a puddle every single time.

She also has this mouth wide open laugh that lights up our world. Strangers always comment on her happiness. She says "HI" to everyone, even the trash men that she'll watch from the dining room window. One of the little boys that lives behind us will jump on his trampoline, rain or shine, and she will go to the window & excitedly watch. She usually pounds on the window trying to get his attention & will say "hi" over & over again. Someday this summer I'm going to take her out to say "hello" in person & I have a strong feeling she may bury her head in my shoulder. She does have a shy side, too! 

Magnolia is a very happy girl, but sometimes she throws tantrums. Yep, tantrums already! I was shocked when it first started to happen. I really didn't think my baby girl was old enough to throw herself on the ground while expressing frustration. I started to talk to some of my mama friends with baby's the same age & sure enough they're all starting to throw tantrums. They are very short lived right now, and I feel like it's time for me to decide how to handle them. Currently I giggle a little inside because they are so darn cute, but I know if she's older & doing this on the Target floor it won't be as darling.

We go to Target at least once a week, and now everytime I have to get an Almond Milk Vanilla Frappuccino to share with this girl. She'll suck it down so fast & barely save any for me! Truly! I'll ask for a drink & she'll pull it closer to herself all the while keeping the straw in her mouth at all times.

One of the tenderest moments from the last few weeks that I want to forever remember, is the way she cared for me when I spent a solid week crying. When we found out we had lost her baby brother or sister, my heart was broken, and we stayed home waiting & waiting for the natural miscarriage to happen. It was so hard. Several times she'd be in my arms or next to me on the sofa & I wouldn't be able to stop the tears from falling. She'd gently take her pointer finger to my face & caress my eyes. She'd give me wide open slobbery kisses that would inevitably put a smile on my face. One night we were in bed & she wrapped her arms around my neck & laid her face on mine for the best hug of my life. I'm in awe that she was able to show so much empathy & gentleness at such a young age. Sometimes I'd tell her in the simplest of ways why I was sad & although she doesn't understand it all right now, I can only hope that there is a lesson in all of the sadness. I hope that if she takes away anything from this part of our lives that it is something positive, hopefully that it is okay to feel sad as we trust in God's greater plan.

She loves her books. If she's not tearing apart the kitchen cabinets then she's probably flipping through a book.

This was such a fun art project we did last month & all I can see in this photo are three angels. Go to my Instagram @wendycorreen to get the directions.

I've been away from the blog quite a bit lately, and I've missed it. I hope to get back into the swing of writing & sharing photos & inspiration again soon.

Hope you all are having a happy week! xoxo

Wendy Correen Smith
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