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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


A Weekend With Our Babe

This weekend we ate a bunch of tacos and drank whipped cream topped hot chocolates. We spent time outside soaking up all the fresh air and watching the sky rain with autumn leaves. It was a normal weekend, with nothing grand going on, but memory filled still. On our long walks we stopped at the elementary school and Magnolia went down a slide for the first time. We also stopped on the trails by our house so that she could see and feel all the crunchy leaves on the ground.

This time of year is certainly our favorite for long walks before dinner! On Sunday night we thought it'd be a great idea to bring Mrs along with us. She rode under the stroller and was completely content until a human walked within eyesight. She tried to escape a few times and I ended up having to hold her for the remainder of the walk. Ryan and I jokingly said to one another that she was a "bad dog" and Magnolia decided that she agreed. She started to say "bad dog" over and over again and she even woke up this morning saying "bad dog!"

On Friday, Magnolia had her nine month check-up and our baby already weighs 17 pounds! She had two vaccines and wasn't feeling so great on Saturday. We spent most of the day at home in our pajamas. We watched about half of Hocus Pocus while sipping on hot chocolate. Magnolia wasn't really into the 1993 movie that I love so much, so we packed up the stroller and went for a long walk under the dark grey clouds. She ended up falling asleep in the stroller on Saturday's evening stroll.

Her sugar cheeks really tug at my heart strings!

In the evenings Magnolia wants me to hold her until bedtime. I love to use my Lille Baby ring sling to carry her around like my little koala bear.

Magnolia's hair is finally long enough for barrettes! Her hair is the prettiest golden brown. It shimmers in the sunlight. We think it'll end up getting darker with time, but we shall see.

Magnolia is a little social butterfly and expects every stranger to say "hello!" to her. She waves and smiles with the sweetest soul. She also laughs ALL-THE-TIME, literally, all the time. She has this laugh that she does when we are laughing. She'll open up her mouth and make a coughing/laughing sound and then whatever we're laughing about becomes even funnier because she decided to join in with us. She's the happiest baby and God knows we are so very grateful. So so grateful.

On Sunday she wore her comfy clothes and we made an impromptu trip to the plaza, where we again drank hot chocolate and strolled around from store to store. I had to stop in Anthropologie to see what all they had out for Christmas, which wasn't much yet. I did, however, order some new Christmas decor as they had their 25th birthday sale this weekend. Our new stockings are the bee's knees! Ryan found a coat that he's added to his Christmas list for Santa and I decided that I need to win the lotto so that I can buy everything in the Anthro store!!!

We snapped these photos after eating at Fuzzy Tacos because the tree was simply pretty as it was dropping it's golden leaves on the green grass. Did I mention how obsessed I am with this time of year?

I diffused Lavender and Joy together on Sunday while we were watching Hocus Pocus. Ryan said it smelled very clean and it was a happy little combo. Read about Young Living here and please feel free to contact me with any questions or if you'd like to join. I'm getting the Aria diffuser for Christmas and I cannot wait!

Our baby's first Halloween is just around the corner. She will get a practice run in her costume on Thursday at her Kindermusik class. She's going to be the cutest little _________ you have ever seen 😉 .

On Saturday we made a small update to our entryway, you may have seen it already on my InstaStory. We took the 1990s gold crystal chandelier down, the one that I thought I could love and then ended up hating, and replaced it with a modern black light. I'll share the AFTER photos later this week. It looks much better now.

I'm off to do laundry and puree spinach. Have a happy week ahead and make sure you enjoy all the golden raining leaves!

Wendy Correen Smith
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