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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


One Year Today

Today is our one year wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe all that has happened since that beautiful October Saturday that I became his Mrs. Smith. I know this sounds cliche, but I truly believe we were made for one another. God brought us together and my life with him is in a constant state of gratitude. Even during the tough times, I'm counting our blessings.  

I picked this photo to share today because of the glowing pink sky that was our backdrop to dinner and the end to our perfect fairytale wedding day. I also love this photo because of the way he is holding me in his arms. Right there, in his arms is where I'm the happiest. I feel safe in his embrace. We've been through some of the most beautiful times of my life and also some of the most testing, and he's always right there to keep me warm and safe and loved. I can't tell you how many times that embrace has turned my fears and worries into faith and trust. 

In this past year we sold his bachelor pad. I had surgery for endometriosis. We bought a house and completely remodeled it. We travelled. We went through a round of IVF. And now on this day, in the house we made a home, I'm almost 24 weeks pregnant with our miracle baby girl. We live each day with meaning, and we dream about our life together. When I met him I joked with my friends and sisters that he is my romantic comedy, but the truth is, with him it does feel like I'm living a romantic comedy. It's not all unicorns and rainbows, we've had some hiccups and fights. We've had hard times too. What I cherish about us is the way we bounce back. I cannot stay mad at him very long, its just impossible. I'm grateful to say we are always focused on our love for one another, even if we are frustrated about something. During it all we respect each other. His heart and feelings are always very important to me, and I know he holds the same tenderness for me. We built a foundation on love, communication, trust, and devotion. And I'm sharing this because I'm grateful, I'm well aware that this is not how relationships always go. It was a long road getting to him and us, but it was worth the wait. 

On Friday he got home from work early. I was painting my fingernails at the kitchen table and when he opened the door from the garage I heard our first dance wedding song playing. I turned around and he was smiling so big with his cell phone in his shirt pocket (playing our song), and he was holding a bright yellow Kendra Scott bag. He never fails to have a romantic surprise up his sleeve. He had gone down to the Country Club Plaza all by himself so he could surprise me with some jewels from one of my favorite stores. I love my new necklaces

Saturday was our day to really celebrate and we did, ALL DAY LONG! While we were drinking our morning coffee I surprised him with this video I made with photos from the beginning of our relationship to now. I'm no pro video maker, but it was fun to sit on the sofa and go down memory lane with him before we started our adventures for the day. 

Before we headed out the door I had the top tier of our wedding cake thawing! I can't believe the peony survived the freeze so well. It was missing a few petals, but overall it looked so pretty still. 

We stopped at Starbucks before heading to the plaza. I'm currently obsessed with the salted caramel hot chocolate with almond milk. Our little sweet pea is a fan too. She usually starts dancing after I drink it! I'm sure its the sugar high, but its adorable. We had lunch at Panera (we had to save our appetites for dinner) and then we went to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. This was Ryan's first time visiting the museum and it was fun for me to see it through his eyes. He has a great appreciation for the history of it all and I loved being able to experience this with him. 

I had to snap a photo of this room. It felt like we went back in time as we stood in there looking at the architectural details, the crystal chandelier and old furniture. Of course I was pretty in love with the blue walls too! 

Georgia O'Keeffe is an artist we spent a lot of time talking about during my art appreciation class in college. I'm a fan of her enlarged flowers and modern style. 

After the museum we went to look at the "mom car" ideas my Ry has for me. It'll be over a year before I get a new "mom car" but he's already doing the research and dreaming up our options. 

Then we went home to change and head out to dinner. We went to Cafe Provence. My brother used to work there and he always said we should try it, but we never got around to it. This place is very well known in Kansas City and all the "important" people dine here when they are in town. Kate Spade, my very favorite designer, had dinner there one night and my sweet little bro got her autograph for me! Anyway our expectations were high, so high that we could have easily been disappointed. You know when you're told something is so great and so wonderful that you just really expect it to be way better than anything you've ever had or experienced before. Well that is how we went into this restaurant. By the way it is a darling little place. It is very romantic with lace cafe curtains in the windows, twinkling candles on the tables, and french music playing above. It kind of felt like we were out of town, we could have pretended to be in Paris for an hour or so! I ordered salmon with sauerkraut and Ry had the special, sea bass. With the first bite I knew I was tasting the best meal of my life! It was amazing and like nothing I've ever tasted before. Ry felt the same way, his dinner was equally delicious. We both finished our plates and I've never thought about licking my plate before, but it did cross my mind! That was a kind of a joke, but kind of serious too! It was just really really GREAT! We had to have dessert and it was a hard selection, but we decided on the apple tart with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce. It was the cherry on top of the night! 

On Sunday afternoon we finally sliced into our wedding cake and it was just as amazing as our wedding night. It took us back to that moment under the twinkling lights one year ago! 

This is a link to all of our wedding photos. My dear friends at Bright Umbrella Photography did such an amazing job capturing our wedding day, and to them we are always grateful. 

I've shared a few of my favorite pieces from Kendra Scott below, and also the two necklaces that Ry got me for our anniversary that I'll cherish forever. 

Cheers to love & happiness!

Wendy Correen Smith
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