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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Baby Sweet Pea Update

Our baby sweet pea weighs 1 lb 11 oz already. She's almost two pounds and it seems like just yesterday she was a hatched blastocyst the size of poppy seed being transferred inside of me. I'll surely spend all my free moments thanking God today for the miracle of her life. Today's sonogram was a follow-up to the 20 week anomaly scan. There were certain views of her heart that they were unable to see last time. The sonographer was giggling the entire time. We've heard with each sonogram that our sweet pea is an active one, and today was no different. Just as soon as she'd get the views of the heart that she was trying to capture, baby girl would move or put her arms up over it. I could actually feel her kicks and punches in response to the pushing and prodding that was happening to her this morning. It was adorable and entertaining for both of us.  I think she must wiggle and dance around more than other babies because the doctors and sonographers always comment and react to her movements. The doctor said all looked "perfect" and healthy. They also said that she is a happy, healthy, and active little baby that is not camera shy. How could she be camera shy, she's half me after all! 

As I was driving to my doctor's appointment I was thinking that this pregnancy experience may very well be the happiest season of my life. I'm amazed every single day. I love feeling her grow inside of me, and I pray she stays put until full term, but I do daydream of meeting her and kissing her and seeing this adorable little face in flesh. Her big fur sister is becoming more and more curious about her by the day! 

Have a happy week! 

xo Wen
Wendy Correen Smith
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