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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


An "About Me" Interview from March of 2013

An Interview with Wendy Casey, March 2013

When you were a kid, what was your dream job? Well, that is a good question, because I had a lot of dream jobs. To name a few: magazine editor, lawyer, corporate CEO. I knew what I loved (and still love) homes, art, & design. When it came time to decide on my college degree I went with business. I’m thankful that I have a business degree, and that I continued on to obtain my Master’s Degree in Business, because it has prepared me to fulfill my life dream. My life dream is to (1) be my own boss (2) work with creativity and be of service to others. 

What is your astrological sign? I’m an Aries. I once read on the Elle Aries Profile, that my path in life: is to bring to life a truly original concept that influences an industry at large. When I read that I got chills, because that is my career goal and my mission for my work. I strive to influence the real estate world as a whole, and to make it a more hip, friendly, charming world of it! One that is not intimidating and that makes creativity a common practice. To think outside-the-box whenever possible. 

What do you think all homes need? Well, that is hard to answer, because my list would be very long. If I had to name one thing, I’d say a soaker tub for hot baths after a long day. I’m sure the guys won’t agree with my answer.

What is your favorite part of your job? Definitely being my own boss. When I worked in the corporate world I felt like my ideas were often ignored. There was a lot of passion missing from the work place. Being my own boss gives me just the right amount of fear to keep me pushing harder every day, all the while, I have the freedom to get as creative as I desire. My scope of work varies each day and I love that I get to mix-it-up. 

And I adore seeing people in their new spaces and seeing the twinkle in their eyes when the house is officially their home.

What is one of your favorite quotes? I am a quote freak. It feels so good to read a quote and to feel the meaning and be uplifted. One {quote} I read recently, that touched me was, “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.” (author unknown). If I’m not feeling fear anymore, than I know something is wrong. I need to push harder and explore new ventures when I get comfortable. 

When you have 30-minutes of free time, how do you pass the time? I like to look at Instagram. I’m always inspired by so many people {many that I don’t know} that cherish the little things in life. I’m often snapping photos on Instagram because it’s fun to look back and remember something little, but something special, that happened on a particular day. It’s about collecting moments not things.

What is your favorite magazine? All of these questions are so hard to answer, because I have so many answers. Okay, if I had to pick just one glossy, I’d say Elle Decor. 

What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done? You know when you look back and think about the “hard” things in life, they seem less and less hard with each passing day. Starting my freshman year of high school was hard because I had a terrible hair cut, braces, and I chipped my ankle the day before school started and had to wear an awful boot. Now, looking back that doesn’t seem so hard, more funny. The most recent “hard” thing I did was quit my full time job in advertising to work for myself. It was something I had prepared myself for, I guess my whole life, with it being my life dream it was super scary. So many fears overcame me before I actually took the leap. It was probably a good six months to a year before I could actually do it. There came a point when the fear of doing it was less risky to me than not doing it. And that is when I knew it was time. When I knew all the worst case scenarios were worth the risk of my true happiness and my dream. And I have to add, that Nick was such a huge supporter of my decision to work for Guehne-Made full-time. He gave me confidence and picked-me-up when he started to see a twinkling of doubt surface in my conversations. That is why he is my partner in life. 

What story does your family always tell about you? My mom and sister love to tell everyone about how I used to write up contracts for them to sign and I actually enforced them. I can’t believe I’m sharing this here, but one contract I enforced was that my little sister had to make my bed every morning for an entire summer. And yes, my sister and I are best friends, and I’m pretty sure I’ve made it up to her by now. 

What is your favorite movie? Just one? How about two? Blue Lagoon and Message in a Bottle. I love movies that are set on the beach. That is my #1 requirement for a movie on my favorite list, there has to be water in it. 

What would your dream home look like? All glass, or a ton of windows, on the beach. If not on the beach, since I don’t want to leave our families, then on land where I can have my windows open and no curtains. There would be a lot of white and tons of custom woodwork. 

The best part of waking up is? The sunrise, the smell of coffee (like the commercial), the to-do list. Yes, I love working, always have and I'm sure I always will! 

What is your saving grace? Always being 10 steps ahead of the curve. 

Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Definitely sunrises. I’m a morning person, ask Nick, evenings are when I start to fizzle. Catch me in the morning and I’m zesty! 

If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Creative

What adjectives best describe you? Efficient, Energetic, Driven

Where did you go to college? What was your major? University of Central Missouri for my Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration. Master of Business Administration from Webster University. 

What played the biggest role in your design style as a child? I spent a lot of time at my grandparents house. I have fond memories of helping my grandma make the beds on warm summer mornings. She was very particular about having them fluffy with just the right amount of crispness. It always made me happy when I made them to her liking. She let me help out around the house (most of the time) and her attention to detail definitely rubbed off on me. My mom had a completely different style for interior decor. While my grandma was very simple, classic, and traditional, my mom had a more eclectic taste. My mom’s home should be in Design*Sponge. She always had, and continues to spark my imagination, with creative ideas. My mom breaks all the rules with interior design and I love her ability to make things beautiful with her own unique ideas. I think it was around my 14th birthday when I had selected a yellow paint color for my new bedroom walls. My mom always encouraged us to think feely for ourselves, and she didn’t stop me from picking this yellow. Well, the paint ended up looking like a neon yellow construction sign and I freaked out. I cried and cried for days. Finally I convinced my mom to let me pick out new Laura Ashley wallpaper for my birthday present. I can’t tell you how much her agreement to the birthday present meant to me. And then she even let me get a coordinating Laura Ashley quilt. It was an experience that definitely made an impact on me. So to sum it up, the combination of my grandma’s style and my mom’s style definitely played a big role in my personal style. I have an appreciation for a large range of interiors from classic to modern to eclectic. My rule is to always listen to my natural attraction when selecting pieces that will go into my home. And I encourage my clients to do the same. 

What is your design style? Well, it’s always changing. I’m constantly being inspired by others and I believe style should evolve. So I can’t say there is just one style. I’m fond of mixing vintage and modern. I like a lot of white in my spaces. For my home I like more muted tones and I could do without the primary colors. Although I do have pops of hot pink and red in my house. I like a bit of animal print, gold metallic tones, and of course a touch of sparkle. 

What is your favorite flower? Peonies

What is your one home “staple”? All white bed linens

Beach or Mountains? Beach

Why are you here? Oh, saving the hardest question for last! Why am I here? I’m here to help others see the beauty in life. I’m here to be of service to people that want a home that is a place they look forward to being at after work, the place they will raise a family, the place they’ll experience the highest joy and shed the deepest tears, and the place where they’ll create the most lasting and deep memories...their home! I’m here to make homes for others a place where they can see the beauty in life.

- photography by Bright Umbrella Photography

Wendy Correen Smith
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