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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Whole House Renovation in Old Leawood | The Mohawk Project

*Previous Post from the Guehne-Made blog, June 2014*

It's time for me to do my very favorite Guehne-Made THING! I get to show off a recent project. If you've followed my blog for sometime, you should know how happy and excited I am to show you the BEFORE and AFTER photos of our projects. This is one that we hold near-and-dear to our hearts. It was a whole house renovation, and after six months of working with a couple on a home project like this, it's inevitable that you'll grow close to them. And miss them once the project is over. Nick and I are so very lucky to get to work with such amazing people, and this couple [aka Mr. and Mrs. Z], were absolutely wonderful to work with. We try to spoil our clients with gratitude, and Mr. and Mrs. Z happened to turn the tables on us. I will never ever forget their kindness. They always had food and drinks for everyone to enjoy. As a result, the morale and home was filled with love and gratitude!

I do recall a fun cabinet meeting that included wine and beer right before Christmas! Not only do they have huge hearts, but they have a beautiful sense of style. I'll let the AFTER photos do the talking in that regard!

All of the project details were shared on the Kansas City Homes and Gardens blog. You can see the BEFORE AND DURING post here. And the FINAL REVEAL can be viewed here. Much of the project details can be found using the KCH&G links, but if you have any questions that you cannot find the answers to on there, please feel free to contact me directly via email at Instagram is another place you can go to see the project evolve by using the hashtag #mohawkprojectgm. Follow along with me on Instagram @wendycorreen.

I took hundreds of photos throughout this job, and there are a ton of AFTER photos that I must share. You'll find two slideshows below, one for the BEFORE photos and one for the AFTER photos. You can click on the arrows in the upper right corner to view the full screen high resolution images.

Here are a few of my very favorite pix from this project. This project was featured in the January 2015 issue of Kansas City At Home, read about it here.



- photos by Wendy Correen
Wendy Correen Smith
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