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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Magnolia's Little World

Maggie Mermaid has already changed her name to Maggie Ballerina! Surely it's because she starts dance class next month. We are both so incredibly excited to get her twirling soul into a dance studio. She dreams about it each day & my heart can feel every ounce of her excitement and anticipation for something new & passionate to become part of our days.

Her world, this playroom & her puppies photographed & tucked away in my heart.

The mess is part of the joy (my new philosophy on this space) & we clean it every Monday for a fresh start!

Capri Blue fits in just like a new baby doll.

Melting popsicles after dinner on the front porch. A new summer ritual that all should try! 

Just melt my heart...

Her blue eyes + pink ears

A snapshot after picking up our take-out dinner last weekend! Capri snuggled up on Maggie Ballerina's lap & fell right to sleep.

Hope you're having a happy week. xo
Wendy Correen Smith
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