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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


A Phone Full of Photos

It's the first part of June & Magnolia is watching the movie Grinch in her diaper with her sparkly purse on her shoulder & gold glitter jelly shoes on her feet. The glitter purse is full of random snacks from the pantry, jewelry that she's stolen from my room, a polaroid camera & some cute little drawings! Today's post is going to be a lot like her little purse full of sweetness & joy, and also so very random. We've had pool days & shopping days, birthday parties & lunch dates, afternoon bubble baths & long warm naps, dinner on the deck followed by long walks on the trails by our home, fruit + veggie smoothies in the warm sunshine, lots of adventures in the backyard with our Valentine Lollipop, sprinkle pancakes from Magnolia's Kitchen & pink peonies.

Possibly I'll always say Magnolia's current age is my favorite age, but this age right now, getting to see her personality blossom is definitely my favorite. Sure we have some tantrums sprinkled in with all the beauty of her, but it's truly magical. Last night she brought a balloon home from dinner & released it to the sky. I held her in my arms as she watched it soar up to the blue sky & float around with the birds (that she calles babies). And for a moment I was living life through her two year old soul & it felt like a dream. When I take time to pause & breathe & tune into her, that's when all the magic happens. That's when I get to feel her wonder. How blessed am I to get to hold her in my arms as she's belly laughing so hard I can feel her pure happiness in my hands. Her blue eyes gaze into mine, with her huge smile, & I know I'm forever blessed to be her mother.

Ring Around the Rosy is a regular backyard dance for the two of us. Every single time she asks Valentine to join in.

Valentine follows Magnolia everywhere she goes. Before we got Valentine I had this dream of them being best friends & growing up together, and their bond could not be a bit sweeter. Tine-tine is what Magnolia calls her now, and Tine-tine was Heaven sent.

They even watch movies together!

Valentine got sick after getting groomed at Petco last week. It was awful, but I'm thankful to say she's doing much better today. After a visit to the vet for fluids, anti-nausea & anti-inflammatory shot, we laid under the shade tree in the backyard. We all needed some sunshine & fresh air. Needless to say, we won't ever go back to Petco.

My sister's birthday was a few weeks ago. We went out for tacos & then had chocolate cake + Rosé on the deck. It was a gorgeous day!

Magnolia is obsessed with birthdays & there is no question why. We are constantly celebrating one! This past weekend we went out for my brother's 30th. I'm not even going to talk about what happened at Cracker Barrel! Despite the fact that I thought there had to be a hidden camera on us at lunch (it was that bad), it's always a good time when we get together. 

There will be lots of lazy days at the pool this summer. And we already had one on a cool cloudy day because we just couldn't wait to splish-splash & cuddle up on the lounge chair with snacks in hand. 

And lots of shopping days too!

Smoothies for lunch on repeat because there is no easier way to get all the fruits, seeds, & veggies in our bellies!

Weekends are for dinner al fresco style with Magnolia dressed by herself, followed by long walks on the trails & playtime at the school. 

One afternoon when Addy was over playing the girls did chalk art on the back patio. Valentine was running around with them & before I knew it she was covered in mud. I had never sprayed her off with the hose before, but decided to give it a whirl. I've never seen Valentine happier than the day she played in the water with the girls. I had no idea she'd love it as much as she did! And then Magnolia wanted to groom her afterwards. 

 A girl & her dog...

Did I mention we live out here this time of year?

Cupcake & tea parties right here every day!

This girl has some wild hair. I can't help but giggle when she wakes up like this!

Thanks to Aunt Hay she got her first set of piggy French braids. I ordered some adorable matching bows to use on the ends.

Afternoon bubble baths followed by long naps...

Magnolia's Kitchen is known for her famous sprinkled pancakes! 😉

Summer with the cousin crew will be one to remember & one to cherish forever. It's only just begun & we're off to a very fun + magical start!!!

We don't have a trip scheduled for summer, but we do have a long bucket list of summer stuff that we have planned with my sisters & the cousins! Trips to the zoo & farm & museums, jumping in the sprinkler followed by popsicles in the sunshine, movies + popcorn on the sofa with the AC down low, slumber parties + dance parties, & of course long lazy days at the pool! 

If you made it all the way to the end, thanks for reading & following along. 

Happy summer & lots of love from us. 
Wendy Correen Smith
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