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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


TEN Baby-BEAUTIFUL Nurseries

Hello to you, my dear! Today I'm bringing you TEN baby-beautiful nurseries. I find myself dreaming up our baby's nursery often as we embark on this journey to Baby Smith. I'm really looking forward to the day that we can transform our office into a nursery for our little tot, so until then I'm going to feel inspired by all the bright and airy ones I'm bringing you today. 

And about our IVF cycle and our journey to Baby Smith...we are still in the praying and "waiting" stage and hoping to have news for you soon. I read somewhere that couples going through infertility treatments have a parenting starting line that starts sooner than others. Oh boy is that the truth. The love, worry, faith, prayers, and patience starts much sooner. Honestly, I wouldn't change it for anything though. This journey has only made us stronger and more faithful. As always, we greatly appreciate all of your thoughts and every single prayer. 

- images via My Domaine

It's hard to pick a favorite, huh? My favorite is probably the one by Emily Henderson (the last three photos). I pretty much love everything she does. She is my very favorite designer and such a creative woman. Someday I'm going to be shopping for all of this stuff and that makes my heart skip a beat. 

If you love the idea of animal artwork in your nursery you have to check out The Animal Print Shop

My mom thought this was hilarious. This woman's face after childbirth when she found out she had a boy instead of girl. I can't even imagine bringing a little boy home to a nursery I had made for a little girl! 

I found this vintage children's clothing store on Etsy, it's all darling and definitely what I envision for our baby someday. 

This Pinterest board has been the best thing for my soul during our journey to Baby Smith. 

Wishing you and yours a very happy start to the summer!

Love to you xo 
Wendy Correen Smith
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