May you ponder what God is saying to you in this place of not-yets and what-ifs. Do you hear His whisper to be still and trust Him? May you dream big dreams in the face of your fears. May you courageously hold your ground when you'd rather run and hide. And may you entrust your heart's desires to a God who is very much involved, very much in control, and very much invested in your life. Remember who you are. Remember Whose you are. Keep perspective. Lay hold of faith. Take the next step.
I've had several women reach out to me over the past few weeks. Women that are dealing with infertility and some that have already fought the hard battle for their babies. They appreciate that I'm sharing our journey so openly, and to them I'm so very grateful. There are days that I feel like I may be sharing too much, but then I hear their stories and realize I'm not.
We are heading off to California soon, and we'll be right back at that serene place in the photo above. I'm really looking forward to spending time by the ocean with my sweet Ry.
With love xo
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